News and Events
What else have the Wellies Gang been up to?
10th April 2023
Chinese New Year, Robbie Burns Day, national kindness day, Makaton training, pancake day, Valentine’s Day, random acts of kindness day, national anthem day, minibeast hunts, supporting our Guide Dog puppy called Pudding, collecting tadpoles, World Book Day, Scholastic book fair, Mother’s Day and LOTS more………….
Easter Celebrations
10th April 2023
We have been very busy celebrating all aspects of Easter and have lots more planned. We will be making Easter bonnets, painting daffodils, planting in our allotments, making lots of chocolate treats, finding out about the lifecycle of a chick, researching the life cycle of frogs, butterflies, and bunny rabbits, lots of arts and crafts, baking and making Easter cards. We will also have great fun painting, decorating and rolling our eggs down the Prime Four “Mount Everest” hills beside the nursery. We will also be hearing about the Easter story and will be learning all about this very important celebration
QueensWellies Nursery - Opening Soon!
29th March 2023
We are delighted to announce that we have recently bought a new nursery premises in the West-End of Aberdeen, Queens Road. QueensWellies Nursery will be opening around August 2023. It will be able to accommodate approximately 50 children aged from 0 - 5 years old. QueensWellies will follow the same exacting very high standards as KingsWellies Nursery. We CANNOT wait to open and welcome you to another excellent Wellies Nursery!
Parental Consultation – Question of the month – January 2022
18th January 2023
Each month we strive to self-evaluate our practice because we want to be a better nursery. We also need our parents to give us feedback. Our January 2023 question of the month comes from A Quality Framework for Daycare of Children, childminding and School-aged Children (Care Inspectorate, February 22). We very much value your feedback. Parental Consultations Feedback Please be reassured that all feedback is taken very seriously and is acted upon immediately. Individual parents are always responded to and ideas implemented immediately within the nursery environment. Unfortunately, we don’t receive much feedback, but we will keep trying, as this is extremely valuable to us. Stakeholder Consultation Please see attached our Stakeholder Consultation for your information. Please give us your feedback. We want to make our consultation meaningful for our parents and carers so please let us know what you would like us to ask you.
Enhancing our Environments
18th January 2023
We are always very busy enhancing our environments. The children have loved designing their new areas too. What do you think? We are always looking for junk, natural materials, wooden toys and old technologies (cameras, phones, remote controls etc). Please donate if you are looking for a new home for anything that you think would be useful to us.
1140 Hours Funding
18th January 2023
Application forms for funding in term 3 will be made available to you soon. Scott will keep you right in applying for funding if your child has just turned three or will be turning three soon. If you would like to book additional funded sessions, please do so now, whilst we still have spaces available.
Pudding Our Guide Dog Puppy
18th January 2023
We are delighted to continue to sponsor Pudding, a guide dog puppy in training. We will follow Puddings’ journey as he grows from a tiny pup into a fully qualified guide dog and transforms the life of a person with sight loss. Ask the Wellie Jellies all about Pudding. They have been learning all about the importance of this charity. The Wellie Jellies also have their very own Pudding puppy who has been on lots of adventures with them! The other rooms have been taking Ziggy and Patsy Cline on adventures all over the place too! Watch out for them coming home soon and for their adventures on facebook. They have also been writing their very own storybooks to read to each other in class.
Staffing Update
18th January 2023
We have recently welcomed Gracie Melvin, Shona Lindsay and Eva Jirgena to the nursery. They have settled in very well with the Wellies Gang. Pedro has also decided to return to his job as a primary teacher, however will still work with us during all school holidays. Good luck Pedro. Also, a Big Congratulations to Samantha Fryers in our Wellie Jellies room on her pregnancy announcement we can’t wait to welcome him/her into the Wellie Gang. All staff photos are up in our reception area.
Topics for this term
18th January 2023
Over the next few weeks, we will be focusing on a variety of topics in our playrooms. These will include: • KINDNESS – Are you a bucket filler or a bucket dipper? • The Scottish Daily Mile - we aim to jog, run or walk for up to 15 minutes every day! • Winter, Frost, The Arctic, Weather – LOTS of Science experiments! • Child-led improvement groups – Eco Group, Charities Group, Outside Play Group, Jellies Expansion Group, Gardening Group and Buddies Group will continue to work hard • New beginnings, Time, Months of the year, Birthdays • All about me and my family and friends • Rules, Rights and Responsibilities – Why do we have rules? What can we do better? We will be revising our Nursery Golden Rules. • LOTS of Reflection Time in our interest groups; talking about our learning and what we would like to learn with our key workers • Chinese New Year – The Year of the Rabbit. • Grow well choices – making healthy decisions • Makaton – we are getting good at using this sign language! • 17th January – Kids Inventor Day • 18th January – Winnie the Pooh Day • 23rd January – Handwriting Day • 24th January – National Compliments Day • 25th January – Robert Burns Day • 25th January – Opposites Day • 27th January – International Chocolate Cake Day • 29th January – Puzzle Day • 30th January – National Croissant Day • 21st January – Backwards Day • 3rd February – Carrot Cake Day • 5th February – National Weatherperson Day • 7th February – Send a card to a friend day • 9th February – National pizza day • 11th February – Make a Friend Day • 14th February – Valentine’s Day • 14th February – Library Lovers Day • 17th February – Random Acts of Kindness Day. What could we do? • 20th February – Love your pet day! • 22nd February – International World Thinking Day • 26th February – Tell a fairy tale day. Bring in your favourite fairy tales! • 28th February – Floral Design Day • 1st March – St David’s Day (Wales) • 1st March – Pancake Day • 1st March – Food waste action week – Our ECO group are going to be busy!
Wellie Jellies Extension
18th January 2023
We are delighted to confirm that the Wellie Jellies room is currently being expanded. This expansion is making use of the adjoining space within the Prime Four Management Suite. This will enable us to provide additional high quality accommodation for around another 24 children in our 3-5 age range. It will also allow for more space in the Jellies room, create a nurture space for our children and spread out the play areas. We are hoping to open this new space around Easter 2023. In the meantime, the children have really enjoyed visiting their new larger playroom and will be fully involved in choosing and ordering resources for it and planning how it will be laid out. We will keep you informed of progress and will ensure that all works will be carried out with extreme sensitivity to the health and safety needs of our children. Staffing will be confirmed at a later date although the current Jellies team will remain in place. If you know anyone who will be looking for a space for their child, please let them know that additional spaces will be opening up soon.