News and Events
Happy New Year and a HUGE thank you!
18th January 2023
Happy new year to all of our children, parents, friends and staff! We really hope that you enjoyed a lovely festive period! We are all really glad to be back at nursery and are looking forward to a jam-packed third term!
Individual Learning Diary (ILD)
15th September 2022
If you are a NEW parent, please make sure that you speak to your room supervisor or key worker about logging in to this very important tool. Our admin staff will also be able to support you with this.
The Wellie Jellies
15th September 2022
The opening of this room has been a great success. We have received very positive feedback from children, parents and staff. We are hoping to extend further in to the Management Suite in order to make this room bigger and provide spaces for more children. We will keep you posted as this develops further. The Wellie Jellies are VERY proud of their room and have been very busy learning, learning and more learning! Please give us your feedback as to how we can continue to improve operational aspects of this room. We very much value your advice.
Aberdeen City Council Pre-School Funding
15th September 2022
For all those of you who have children who are approaching aged three or are already three years old, you will be entitled to apply for pre-school funding from Aberdeen City/Aberdeenshire Council. Please see our Admin team in order to complete the appropriate forms. We can now also provide funding to MeTwo children. If you fall into this category please speak to Admin for more information.
Christmas Holidays
15th September 2022
Just a reminder that we are closed for two weeks over the Christmas and New Year Period. We close at 6pm on Friday 23rd December and reopen 7.30am on Monday 9th January 2023 It will be here before we know it!
Lost Property
15th September 2022
Please label ALL clothes, toys and personal possessions. The nursery CANNOT take responsibility for lost articles which are not FULLY labelled. Please also ensure that your children are appropriately dressed in warm clothing for the colder weather. We will still be out and about in ALL weathers. Thank you. Stay and Play Session We would like to invite all our grandparents to attend a Stay and Play session during this term. Tuesday 4th October at 3:00pm – 4:30pm
Parent Tips, Ideas and Suggestions
15th September 2022
This is a space for parents to communicate with each other. If you have any suggestions, please email us with your ideas so that we can include them in this section of our newsletter
Staff Training
15th September 2022
We are already very busy with our training for Session 2021/22. Staff will be participating in lots of training during the next session. Kerry will also continue in her role as a Chair of the Children’s Panel for Children’s Hearings Scotland.
Extra-Curricular Activities
15th September 2022
We are also really delighted to have all of our visiting teachers back after the Summer. Moo Music, Kids Rock, French, Yogatots and Flashdance have all restarted this term. We have changed the days of most of our classes so that a wider variety of our boys and girls can enjoy these experiences.
KingsWellies £10 Snack Shopper – Would you like to do our snack shopping for us?
15th September 2022
Number, Money and Measure: “I am developing my awareness of how money is used and can recognise and use a range of coins” MNU 0-079 Our children are learning all of the time. Our main focus for learning is through developing our Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing skills.