News and Events
1140 Hours Funding
14th February 2022
Application forms for funding in term 3 (from first week of April) have just been emailed to you. Scott will keep you right in applying for funding if your child has just turned three or will be turning three soon.
Staffing Update
14th February 2022
We bid a very sad farewell to Kerryn who has moved on to a job within the oil industry. We wish her the very best for her future. We would like to very much welcome Leah in to our office. She will be working alongside Katelyn on a job-share basis. We have also welcomed Caroline and Kayleigh back (after maternity leave). Leia Thomson has joined us in the baby room and Milli Yule in the pre-school room. Steph Clark and Eibhlish Doyle have also just announced their pregnancies. Huge congratulations also to Amy Wilkins who gave birth recently to a beautiful baby boy called Findlay. We can’t wait to meet him Amy! Phew – lots going on for the Wellies gang!
Room Transitions
14th February 2022
Transitions to the next room will be planned depending on the individual child’s needs. Room staff will discuss all transitions in depth with you in plenty of time.
Staff Training Update
14th February 2022
Individual staff will continue to attend a variety of very valuable training courses. We work hard to ensure that all staff are confident, competent and knowledgeable and that we keep up to date with all new developments. Staff all meet monthly for a series of collegiate meetings and all staff participate in a very comprehensive continual professional development programme. 90% of our staff have achieved are/or working towards accredited SVQ qualifications also. Staff will all be participating in Educational Pyschology training with Jennifer Sutherland. We have added an extra training session in for february. This will focus on the importance of NURTURE and attachment. We will also be focusing on outdoor education this term. This is one of the main priorities within our Improvement Plan. We will keep you informed of our progress. Have you got any ideas on how to better improve our outdoor playground area? We will be asking our children too.
14th February 2022
We will be fully involving our Pre-School Charities Committee to help us to plan our campaigns for the coming year. If you would like to nominate a particular charity for us to focus on, please let us know.
The Scottish Daily Mile
14th February 2022
We will continue to aim for all of our children to walk, jog or run for at least 15 minutes each day. Most children can average around a mile in that time! Keep going gang!
Chinese New Year
14th February 2022
We have been extremely busy celebrating the Year Of The Tiger. We even opened our very own Chinese take away – KINGS-WOK-AWAY. It was a great success. Our chefs cooked up a storm and fed the entire nursery. A lovely tasty afternoon treat!
KingsWellies Parent Council
14th February 2022
Our Parent Council will continue to meet once per term. Due to Covid, this is still being done remotely. PLEASE bring to our attention any issues that you would like us to include on the agenda for this term’s meeting. Many thanks. Marcia will be in touch soon.
Toilet Training
11th November 2021
We strive very hard to meet all of the individual needs of our children. Just a reminder that we will support parents in all aspects of toilet training. The best time to do this is when the child is ready, which is usually round about the toddler stage. We would like to aim that all children are toilet trained by the time they reach our Wellie Beans and Jellies rooms. This is good for their own self-esteem and in preparing them for their transition to school. We are more than happy to support parents with this crucial stage in development, whilst recognising that all children are different.
Children’s Uniform
11th November 2021
Just a reminder that we have a variety of very durable uniform for sale. Our uniform is very good value for money and provides the children with a sense of identity and belonging. Please email Kerryn in the office for an order form.