News and Events
Lost Property
05th October 2020
Please label ALL clothes, toys and personal possessions. The nursery CANNOT take responsibility for lost articles which are not FULLY labelled. Please also ensure that your children are appropriately dressed in warm clothing for the colder weather. We will still be out and about in ALL weathers. Thank you.
Eco Committee – Green Flag
05th October 2020
Our Eco Committee have been extremely busy ensuring that we continue as a sustainable nursery. Your hard work has had a very positive impact on our nursery environment. Well done everyone! We will be applying for our THIRD GREEN FLAG very soon.
Covid 19 – Practices and Procedures
05th October 2020
We continue to review our Covid 19 practices and procedures on a daily basis. NO new guidance has come out from the Care Inspectorate / Scottish Government since 10/08/20. We therefore will continue to implement this very thorough guidance within the nursery. You can find our Covid 19 Policy and our Reopening Strategy on our website. This will be updated to coincide with new guidance or changes in our procedures. If you are going to be more that 5 minutes with our staff, please wear face masks to protect yourself and KingsWellies Staff. Always socially distance please. Thank you. Many thanks to all who contributed to our Covid-19 Consultation. We received lots of very positive and constructive feedback which we have implemented within the nursery environment. If you have any additional suggestions for us, please don’t hesitate to give us your feedback.
Staff Training
05th October 2020
We are very busy with our training for Session 2020/21. Staff will be participating in lots of training during the next session. Much of this will be done through Zoom / technology. Despite Covid restrictions, staff training is still of paramount importance to us. We have also enlisted the support of an Educational Psychologist who will be conducting a number of staff training events with us. These will include: • Core cognitive skills • Growth mind-sets • Emotion coaching • Self-regulation • Mindfulness • Positive behaviour management • Attachment theory There will also be an opportunity for a training event with parents which will focus on the importance of teaching core cognitive skills at home. This will be Covid dependent. More information to follow. Kerry will also continue in her role as a member of the Children’s Panel for Children’s Hearings Scotland. The training has been excellent and Kerry will continue to disseminate this to all staff within the nursery. Our Early Years Advisor, Leia Derounian, has also agreed to carry out a variety of training with us. This will focus on observations, writing observations, next steps in learning and unique transitions. Please see our attached Collegiate Calendar which outlines our Collegiate Staff meetings for this year.
Room Ages
05th October 2020
Just a reminder to parents that our rooms are configured in the following ways: • Babies – Birth to 2 years • Toddlers – 18 months to 3 years • Pre-School – 2.5 years to 5 years Some children may move rooms earlier or later. These age ranges are a guide and we base all transitions around the individual needs of the child. Any questions, please see Marcia.
KingsWellies £10 Snack Shopper – Would you like to do our snack shopping for us?
05th October 2020
Number, Money and Measure: “I am developing my awareness of how money is used and can recognise and use a range of coins” MNU 0-079 Our children are learning all of the time. Our main focus for learning is through developing our Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing skills. As part of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, we also develop skills, knowledge and understanding in: Expressive Arts Social Studies Technologies Sciences Religious and Moral Education We would like our KingsWellies children to develop a good understanding of money. The best way to do this is through using REAL money. If you would like to be one of our “Snack Shoppers” over the weekend, please email Kerryn. Kerryn will give you our snack “Shopping List” and Scott will give you the £10 budget. It would be a huge help to us if you and your child could buy some of the items for our snack over the weekend. This will also be a hugely beneficial experience for your child. Why not make this their “weekend responsibility”? This will provide a vast range of learning opportunities right across the curriculum. Please just take back the shopping, change and receipt at the beginning of the week. Please also fill out our “Snack Shopper Diary” so that we can share your shopping experiences with our other children! Feel free to add any photos and also your feedback.
MacMillan coffee morning
05th October 2020
We held our annual MacMillan coffee morning on Friday 25th September. The children were very busy baking for it all week. We raised a whopping £359.04 for MacMillan. Thank you so much to everyone who donated!
Fund Raising
05th October 2020
Our graduation photo shoot was also a huge success. Some LOVELY photos! Thank you to those who participated and of course to Kevin Buchan (our photographer) who did such an amazing job.
Staffing Update
05th October 2020
We also wish Emma Campbell all the very best. Emma has just started her maternity leave and her new baby is due in October. HUGE congratulations also go to Kayleigh Gordon who has also just announced her pregnancy. Stay safe and healthy Kayleigh! We are also very proud to say that we are now a certified Real Living Wage employer. Our staff work very hard and it is very important to us that they are celebrated, praised and complimented.
Staffing Update
05th October 2020
We are a number of staff OVER our ratio EVERY day. This is unlike most other nurseries. This ensures that we can easily accommodate lots of high quality staff training, holidays and any staff absences. We are also able to ensure that all of our Covid 19 policies and procedures are stringently followed on a daily basis. We would like to welcome Shannon Robertson, Rachel Wilson, and Lucy McQueen. We are delighted to welcome them all to the Wellies team. Good luck also to Campbell Oag who will be leaving us soon to start studying medicine at Oxford University. Campbell will continue to work with us during his holidays from Uni.