News and Events


10th April 2019

We will be looking for a new pet soon since we sadly lost the lovely Hermione. Let the office know what pet you think we should get next!

Outdoor Education

10th April 2019

Our outdoor committee have been working hard with Scott to improve our Outdoor Education Area. Check out are new and improved Water Wall, located round the corner of our garden!

Health and Wellbeing curriculum

10th April 2019

We are going to be extremely busy promoting our Health and Wellbeing curriculum. Things have been going really well this week so far in Health Month! We’ve made lots of smoothies, made healthy home bakes and have been working hard in our new PE classes. We also loved our healthy picnic at Hazlehead Park. Charley is VERY keen to start our own Wellies football team and Molly will be starting dancing classes with our older children soon. She will focus on jazz, ballet and modern dance. Exciting stuff! For more ideas on what you can do with your child at home to promote health and happiness, you can download lots of activity guides from

La Jolie Ronde French Lessons

10th April 2019

We have been learning our numbers, our colours, the parts of our bodies, our names, how to greet our friends, animals, food items and all about Easter in FRENCH! We will also hold an egg hunt to celebrate our French Easter. Linda has got lots more planned for us in term 4 and we are growing in confidence every week. Linda also has a series of excellent books and CDs for sale. Please let us know if you would like to purchase any. This will help to reinforce our vocabulary at home too.

Comic Relief

10th April 2019

We raised £40.06 for this very worthwhile cause. Many thanks to all who contributed and wore either their PJ’s or something red!

Mac’s Results

10th April 2019

Eilidh MacInnes who is the director of Mac’s Results will now be with us every Tuesday and Thursday to deliver innovative and fun PE sessions with our children. She will be making very good use of our outdoor environment within prime four and will be focusing on the Health and Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes from the Curriculum for Excellence. Eilidh is a qualified personal trainer who can also provide one to one sessions (adults and children), group classes and lots of different PE sessions. The children LOVED their taster sessions this week when ALL of our toddlers and pre-schoolers were able to participate. Eilidh will also provide additional ad hoc sessions for us so that everyone has a chance to enjoy this vigorous and exciting class. To sign your child up to Macs Results please contact Eilidh at We already have 39 VERY keen boys and girls signed up to get going. For more information please email Eilidh.

Drive Carefully

01st February 2019

Please always drive carefully and reverse park when in our car park. The speed limit is 5 miles per hour at all times. Many thanks.

Parent Progress Meetings

01st February 2019

This term, we will be providing parents with the opportunity to meet with Supervisors and Key Workers on a one-to-one basis to discuss your child’s individual progress. These meetings will focus on discussions around your child’s Care Plan, ILD, Learning Journey and Next Steps in Development. These will happen in March/April 2019. Dates will be sent home in due course.

Staff Training Update

01st February 2019

Individual staff will continue to attend a variety of very valuable training courses including mark making outdoors, starcatchers, where’s the maths in that, developing outdoor play zones, Makaton, outdoor numbers, safeguarding and protecting children, outdoor book bags, puppetry, intelligent materials, working with loose parts, encouraging creativity and much more. We work hard to ensure that all staff are confident, competent and knowledgeable and that we keep up to date with all new developments. Staff all meet monthly for a series of collegiate meetings and all staff participate in a very comprehensive continual professional development programme. The vast majority of staff have achieved and / or working towards accredited SVQ qualifications also. Kerry has also been successful in being accepted to sit on the Children’s Panel Scotland. She is currently participating in lots of (very intense) training and is able to bring back lots of additional knowledge to the nursery. We will be focusing on outdoor education this term. This is one of the main priorities within our Improvement Plan. We will keep you informed of our progress.

5K Pretty Muddy Run

01st February 2019

Some of the KingsWellies Gang are signing up to take part in the Hazlehead 5k sponsored run in June 2019. All fundraising efforts for this event will go towards Cancer Research UK and Marie Curie Cancer Care.