News and Events

The Scottish Daily Mile

08th February 2024

We will continue to aim for all of our children to walk, jog or run for at least 15 minutes each day. Most children can average around a mile in that time! Keep going gang!

Chinese New Year

08th February 2024

We have been extremely busy planning our celebrations for The Year of The Dragon. This year Chinese New Year lands on 10/2/24 and lasts for 15 days. Over the last two years, we even opened our very own Chinese take aways – KINGS-WOK-AWAY. It was a great success. Our chefs cooked up a storm and fed the entire nursery. Look out for lots of exciting activities for this year’s celebrations. If you would like to come in to speak to us about how you celebrate different family or cultural traditions, please let us know. We would LOVE to invite you in.

PE Lessons

08th February 2024

Did you know that Chef Lisa is a professional bodybuilder, qualified personal trainer, childcare support worker, Chef AND owns a healthy food prep company? She has combined all of these skills and will be joining the Wellies Nursery team later in the year to offer PE Classes to all of our boys and girls. The sessions will be based on the Curriculum for Excellence (Early Level) which is currently taught in all Scottish Nurseries and Schools. Chef Lisa will focus on developing skills in Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport. This will include lots of exciting activities based around Movement and Games whilst: investigating and developing fitness investigating and developing mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing using the body applying skills applying safety creating and designing cooperating and sharing communicating and competing Each session will also focus on Food and Health whilst looking at healthy food choices and basic nutritional facts. Chef Lisa will provide some free taster sessions and will also share her lesson plans with parents. These lessons will very much help to prepare the children for their transition to school and will focus on what will be taught as part of the P1 curriculum. Here at Wellies Nurseries, we also want to provide all of our children with as wide a range of experiences and outcomes, as possible. This will therefore be a great addition to our week. Chef Lisa knows the children very well (through Chef Lisa and as a Wellies Support Worker) and is very popular with them. She is very much looking forward to beginning this journey with Wellies Nurseries. In the mean time she will continue to provide Chef Lisa classes on a weekly basis to ALL of our children. This is something that they thoroughly enjoy. More information will follow shortly!

Extra-Curricular Activities

08th February 2024

Please see our classes below, for your information. We are very pleased to welcome back our specialists for 2024. We are also hoping to add PE lessons to our regular timetable. - Yoga - French - Flashdance - Kids Rock - Rugby Totts - Chef Lisa - Moo Music Would you like to see anything else added to our timetable? Please let us know.

West End Wellies

08th February 2024

We are delighted to advise that we have recently purchased an additional nursery building which is based in Mannofield, Aberdeen and is within the grounds of Aberdeenshire Cricket Club. This nursery will be called West End Wellies (although we are totally open to suggestions for names) and we are SUPER excited about it! The outdoor space is just amazing! We are also really excited to be able to work in very close partnership with the Cricket Club. We have LOTS of ideas about providing enhanced provision for ALL of our Wellies children and families. We are still in the very early stages with regards to our new nursery (let us know if you have any name ideas) but are hoping that it will be open around August / September 2024. This will be a smaller nursery which can accommodate around 85 children from 0-5 years. It will follow exactly the same ethos as KingsWellies and QueensWellies and will provide the same very good standards of learning and care for all children. We will of course keep you fully informed of all developments and arrange visits to the new nursery as soon as possible for all parents, children and staff. Please give us any ideas for names. We have thought of: Cricket Wellies, Lord's Wellies, Wicket Wellies, Green Wellies ............. We have nearly settled on West End Wellies. What do you think?

Happy New Year and a HUGE thank you!

08th February 2024

Happy new year to all of our children, parents, friends and staff! We really hope that you enjoyed a lovely festive period! We are all really glad to be back at nursery and are looking forward to a jam-packed third term! We would also like to say a massive thank you to all of our parents, children and families for your generosity over Xmas. We received lots of lovely presents which were shared with all staff. Everyone went home with presents to enjoy. This was extremely generous of you and MUCH appreciated! Many thanks also for your kind donations towards Mission Christmas. We managed to fill numerous boxes to donate.

Christmas Newsflash

02nd November 2023

Have a look at our Christmas Newsflash (you'll find this under Newsletters) and keep up to date with all our Christmas going on's.

Extra-Curricular Activities

28th September 2023

We are also really delighted to have all of our visiting teachers back after the Summer. Moo Music, Kids Rock, French, Yoga tots, Rugby Tots, Chef Lisa and Flash dance have all restarted this term. We have changed the days of most of our classes so that a wider variety of our boys and girls can enjoy these experiences.

Wellies £10 Snack Shopper – Would you like to do our snack shopping for us?

28th September 2023

Number, Money and Measure: “I am developing my awareness of how money is used and can recognise and use a range of coins” MNU 0-079 Our children are learning all of the time. Our main focus for learning is through developing our Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing skills. As part of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, we also develop skills, knowledge and understanding in: 1. Expressive Arts 2. Social Studies 3. Technologies Sciences 4. Religious and Moral Education We would like our Wellies children to develop a good understanding of money. The best way to do this is through using REAL money. If you would like to be one of our “Snack Shoppers” over the weekend, please email our Admin team. They will then give you our snack “Shopping List” and the £5 budget. It would be a huge help to us if you and your child could buy some of the items for our snack over the weekend. This will also be a hugely beneficial experience for your child. Why not make this their weekend responsibility? This will provide a vast range of learning opportunities right across the curriculum. Please just take back the shopping, change and receipt at the beginning of the week. Please also fill out our Snack Shopper Diary so that we can share your shopping experiences with our other children! Feel free to add any photos and also your feedback. Alternatively, do this at home with own children whereby they buy your own household shopping. This is a great (and easy) way to teach them about money and the concept of budgeting.

Festivals Traditions, Harvest and all things Autumn

28th September 2023

As part of our Festivals and Traditions topic, we will be celebrating Halloween. We have lots of exciting activities planned. We will also be asking the children what they would like to learn.