News and Events
Vision, Values and Aims
11th January 2018
We recently emailed you out a copy of our Vision, Values and Aims as we are in the process of reviewing these. We will share our revised Vision, Values, Aims and Aspirations with you in due course. Many thanks to all those who participated in this important consultation.
Parental Consultation – Question of the month - January 2018
11th January 2018
Each month we strive to self-evaluate our practice because we want to be a better nursery. We also need our parents to give us feedback. Our January 2018 question of the month comes from How Good Is Our Early Learning and Childcare and focuses on Quality Indicator 1.4: Leadership of Managers and Practitioners. We very much value your feedback.
Staff Training Update
11th January 2018
This term all staff will participate in training around the New Health and Social Care Standards (Scottish Government 2017). We will have a particular focus on looking at good practice examples from Our Creative Journey (Care Inspectorate 2017) and My World Outdoors (Care Inspectorate 2017). If you would like to access these very important documents, please use the links below. Individual staff will continue to attend a variety of very valuable training courses including children’s rights, chronologies, GIRFEC, children as active learners, wee green spaces, staff appraisal and supervision skills, child development, Curriculum for Excellence, Pre-Birth to Three Curriculum, parachute play, play games-think fit, quality interactions, observation and assessment skills, story telling and role play, safeguarding children, treasure baskets and heuristic play, recycled arts and crafts, leadership at all levels, navigating the guidance documents. We work hard to ensure that all staff are confident, competent and knowledgeable and that we keep up to date with all new developments. Staff all meet monthly for a series of collegiate meetings and all staff participate in a very comprehensive continual professional development programme. The vast majority of staff have achieved and / or working towards accredited SVQ qualifications also.
The Scottish Daily Mile
11th January 2018
We will continue to aim for all of our children to walk, jog or run for at least 15 minutes each day. Most children can average around a mile in that time! Keep going gang!
Eco Schools Scotland
11th January 2018
We are DELIGHTED to announce that we have achieved our Eco Schools Scotland Green Flag Award. This is a real privilege and the result of LOTS of hard work. Well done to Laura for moving forward with this initiative and to the boys and girls for their perseverance. Laura will be arranging a celebration whereby we can hoist our beautiful green flag! We will keep you posted. We also really enjoyed bulb planting with Coull Green Residents Association in Kingswells. We helped to plant their 2000 bulbs!
Happy New Year and a HUGE thank you!
11th January 2018
Happy new year to all of our children, parents, friends and staff! We really hope that you enjoyed a lovely festive period! We are all really glad to be back at nursery and are looking forward to a jam-packed third term!
Entier Shine Awards – February 2018
03rd November 2017
PLEASE nominate Shona as part of the Entier Shine Awards. Shona is such a VERY important part of our team. Children and staff appreciate her help and enthusiasm so much. You can find nomination forms and our Shine box outside the office. Many thanks.
Christmas Holidays
03rd November 2017
Just a reminder that we are closed for two weeks over the Christmas and New Year Period. We close at 6pm on Friday 22nd December 2017 and reopen at 7.30am on Monday 8th January 2018. It will be here before we know it!
Vision, Values and Aims
03rd November 2017
We recently emailed you out a copy of our Vision, Values and Aims as we are in the process of reviewing these. Please find them attached. You can find these in our KingsWellies Nursery Prospectus, our KingsWellies Policy documents and also in frames up around the nursery. We want to know whether or not we are getting them right? They need to be MORE than just words. We are asking our parents, staff, partners and children to review these with us. Please can you give us your feedback? What should we add / delete? What are we doing well? What could we do better? You will find copies of the attached document outside each room and also in reception. We will look forward to hearing from you.
The BIG Questions
03rd November 2017
We will be asking our children lots of BIG questions as part of their topic work. Can you discuss them with your children at home also?