News and Events
Question of the month November 2017
03rd November 2017
Each month we strive to self-evaluate our practice because we want to be a better nursery. We also need our parents to give us feedback. Our November question of the month comes from How Good Is Our Early Learning and Childcare and focuses on Quality Indicator 2.1: Child Protection and Safeguarding. All of our staff have recently been involved in refreshing their child protection training. Kerry is our Child Protection Coordinator within KingsWellies Nursery. Please give us your comments. Your feedback means a lot to us.
Children in Need – W/B 13th November
03rd November 2017
Lots of fun and fundraising this week! Please come to nursery dressed in spots all week and donate £1. We will also be holding a special teddy bear’s picnic in our pyjamas on Friday 17th November. Please donate £1 to take part. Can you take part in our duck race and spotty treasure hunts? These will be throughout the nursery with lots of prizes to be won. Have you got any old £1 coins left? Why not donate them to Children in Need? We will keep our fingers crossed for a visit from Pudsey too! This is a very worthwhile cause. Please help in any way that you can. Many thanks.
Life Skills Consultation
03rd November 2017
Many thanks to all those who responded to our Life Skills Consultation. We received four responses from parents. We consulted with all staff and also our Wellie Beans children. We have now taken ALL responses and combined them in order to review our Life Skills Awards. We have also extended these in to our Toddler room (Blue Award). I
Staffing Update
03rd November 2017
Welcome to Bethany who has recently started working with us on a part-time basis. Welcome also to Lala who will be with us every Thursday until June. Lala is attending college to complete her HNC in childhood practice and we are delighted to be her placement nursery.
The Scottish Daily Mile
03rd November 2017
We have been very busy trying to ensure that we walk, jog or run for at least 15 minutes each day. Most children can average around a mile in that time. The children have loved participating in this challenge and it is difficult to get them to stop after the 15 minutes! Well done everyone. Great work.
Eco Schools Scotland
03rd November 2017
We have recently applied for our Green flag and are keeping our fingers crossed that we have worked hard enough to receive this prestigious award! Well done to Laura who has put together a very impressive power point presentation and portfolio of evidence. We have been VERY busy learning all about the importance of being an Eco nursery. Our Eco Schools folder is in reception for you to have a look at. Please let us know if you have any additional ideas and suggestions for us.
03rd November 2017
The children LOVE participating in their Yoga with Jen each week. We have been working on self-regulation, breathing techniques, extending our muscles and lots of good listening.
Songs and Toasted Marshmallows around the Campfire
03rd November 2017
We loved toasting our marshmallows around the fire and making smores! They were delicious! Scott told us all about fire safety and we completed our risk assessments together.
Visit from the Princes Trust Volunteers
03rd November 2017
We had great fun working with some visitors from the Princes Trust. They set up a scavenger hunt for us around the building. They also showed us how to play some of the types of games that our mums and dads would have played at school. We really liked playing hopscotch, what’s the time Mr Woolf, hide and seek, dodge ball and British bulldogs.
Halloween Celebrations
03rd November 2017
We had a great time dressing up, baking, partying and designing pumpkins during our Halloween week. Many thanks to everyone who participated in our Pumpkin carving. The competition was VERY strong this year. The children ALL LOVED admiring the huge assortment of pumpkin characters each day! Well done to our winners - Timmy with the Gruffalo, Riley with Peppa Pig, Jet with Cookie Monster, Amy with a Minion, Braydon with his KingsWellies logo, Cameron’s Spiderman, Ellie’s VW Bunty van and Naya with her very scary hungry pumpkin. It was extremely difficult to judge but parents, children and staff all cast their votes.