News and Events
Aberdeen City Council Pre-School Funding - Session 2017/18
22nd August 2017
If you still have to complete these forms, PLEASE do so asap to ensure that you receive your funding at the correct time. Application forms received on or before 31st August will be included in the term 1 payment. Aberdeen City Council have informed us that we will receive all funding by the last week in September. Once received, we will deduct this from your October invoices. Funding for term 1 will be deducted from your October, November and December invoices. Terms 2 and 3 payments will also be deducted in three equal instalments from January, February, March and April, May and June. You DO not receive funding during July, August and September as you are entitled to a total of 38 weeks per year. Any questions, please see Kerry.
Best of luck to our boys and girls who have been leaving us to go to P1 and School Nursery
22nd August 2017
This year we have 22 very grown up boys and girls who have left us to start the next exciting part of their lives in P1! We will REALLY miss you soooo very much but know that you are all ready for P1 and that each and every one of you will go far! Keep in touch! Remember to send us photos of you looking very smart in your school uniforms! Best wishes also to all of our children who have left us to go to school nursery or who have moved away. We will miss you all! You have been a pleasure to teach!
Balance Bikers, Sport’s Day, Cat’s Pyjamas Cattery, Ice Cream Van, New Pets, Art Project and Bucket
22nd August 2017
We LOVED our sessions with Balance Bikers! It was really tricky manoeuvring around all of the obstacles. Our Sports Day was also a great success. LOTS of parents came to cheer us on and we all loved our ice creams and lollies after so much hard work! HUGE thanks to Isabel from the Cat's Pyjamas Cattery (Kerry's mum) for taking in eight beautiful kittens! We all LOVED them and were very nearly adopting our own nursery cat! The Wellie Babies also really enjoyed their trip to Dobbies to purchase their very own goldfish. Welcome to Rufus and Rosie, our aquatic friends who have now joined the Babies gang. We also had a SURPRISE visit from the ice cream van! What a shock we all got when we heard it coming! Thank you sooooo very much to Harry's mum and dad (Judith and Robin) who organised this for us! They treated EVERYONE to a delicious ice cream or ice lolly. What a lovely way to spend a sunny day! Archie – that looks yummy! Another highlight was working with Antonia and Grayson's mummy (Carla) on an amazing art project. Carla is a secondary school principle teacher of art. She created a wonderful wellie collage with our children! They really loved this learning experience and learned up so many new skills including paper-mache and flower making. It is beautiful! Thank you Carla and good luck going back to school!
What have the Wellie Gang been up to this month?
22nd August 2017
As always, the Gang have been very busy learning, creating, problem-solving, leading, imagining, designing and constructing! PHEW – so much going on!. Visit from an ambulance and talk from paramedics, teddy bears picnics, National ice cream day, National watermelon day, World photo day, National sisters and brothers day, LOTS of kindness and thoughtfulness towards others, pizza-making in the pizza oven, lots of BBQs and HEAPS more!
Balance Bikers
11th July 2017
We are delighted to welcome “Balance Bikers” to work with our children this Summer. They specialise in balance bike classes and pedal bike transition. If you would like to learn more or to book your own classes, please contact them on You can also find them on Facebook.
Parental Consultation – Question of the month July 2017
11th July 2017
Each month we strive to self-evaluate our practice because we want to be a better nursery. We also need our parents to give us feedback. Our July question of the month comes from How Good Is Our Early Learning and Childcare and focuses on Quality Indicator 3.1. Please give us your comments about how well we ensure wellbeing, equality and inclusion within KingsWellies. Your feedback means a lot to us.
Rumpole and Ziggy continue their adventures
11th July 2017
What lucky mutts these two are! Look what they have been up to during the weekends with all of their nursery friends ………. They will also be starting their Therapets visits soon and hope to go to the hospital for fortnightly visits to cheer some of the patients up. Well done boys!
Butterflies, Stick Insects, Frogs – what a menagerie!
11th July 2017
We have really enjoyed learning about the life cycles of stick insects, tadpole to frog and caterpillar to butterfly. Our stick insects continue to grow and we were delighted to release our frogs and butterflies in to the wild recently. Would you like to grow your own stick insects? Eggs and instructions available from Scott!
Life Skills Awards
11th July 2017
This Summer in the Wellie Beans, we will be focusing on the following: Pink Award: I have role played a “real life” situation, I have visited places in the community, I can take photos and images to show the world around me, I can be kind to my friends Red Award: I have role played a work situation, I can find information from pictures, I can describe interesting features in my local community, I can take photos or record sounds and images to show the world around me, I can be kind to others around me
11th July 2017
HUGE congratulations go to Holly, Paul and Kayleigh who recently attended the Aberlour Futures Celebration of Achievement event. They all worked extremely hard to achieve their SVQ3 in Childhood Practice. Great work! We are very proud of you all!