News and Events

Pyjama Drama

08th August 2016

We have had the most amazing term where the children’s imaginations took us on the most brilliant of adventures…. We saw a dragon eating our picnic…. We were dinosaurs at the circus …… we went to an ice cream factory and made our own magic ice cream ….. we made a magic smelly potion to make the King laugh again …. We had a fairy ball….. we turned Kerry’s hair purple!! The list could go on and on. The children have had a real ball and have really embraced Pyjama Drama! As an extra-curricular activity, Pyjama Drama will be visiting KingsWellies every Tuesday and Thursday to deliver drama sessions to children from both the Wellie Tots and Wellie Beans playrooms. If you would like your child to take part next term, please contact In addition, Kristine will also be coming in to nursery to work with all of our children on a variety of VERY exciting Roald Dahl drama activities. We can’t wait to see what they come up with next!! We will keep you posted with dates

Aberdeen City Pre-School Funding for children aged 3 years and over

08th August 2016

If your child is aged three or over, you will be entitled to receive funding for 600 hours of annual childcare from Aberdeen City Council. Even if you have received funding for this current session (2015/2016), you must complete a NEW form for session 2016/17. I have already emailed the Application Form to all parents and have also photocopied additional forms which you can collect from Kerry or the main office. Please complete these and return to Kerry (with proof of DOB) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. As soon as I receive them, I will forward directly to the Council on your behalf. Application forms received on or before 31st August 2016 will be included in the Term 1 payment which KingsWellies will receive from the Council by 30th September 2016. We will then deduct your funding for term 1 in three equal instalments from your October, November and December invoices. Terms 2 and 3 payments will also be deducted in three equal instalments from January, February, March and April, May and June. If your child is approaching their third birthday, please also complete the Pre-School Funding Form. The sooner that the Council receive it, the quicker we will receive the funding that you are entitled to. Please do not hesitate to contact Kerry if you would like to discuss further.

Olympic Games 2016

08th August 2016

As a nursery, we are going to be learning ALL about the Olympic Games over the next few weeks. Please write your suggestions for learning activities on to our topic web (in reception). If any parents, grandparents or friends would like to come in to talk to us about the hobbies or sports that they enjoy ,healthy eating, visiting other countries, disabilities and the Paralympics, keeping our bodies healthy, special achievements or anything else related to the Olympic Games, please let us know as we would LOVE to welcome you

Lifecycles and Change

08th August 2016

We loved watching our caterpillars transform in to beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies! We have now released them in to nature. Remember butterflies are important members of our environment!

Parent and Child Consultations

08th August 2016

We are going to be developing a SENSORY AREA in our garden. Please add your ideas on to our topic web which is on the wall in the reception area. We are also reviewing our snack and dessert menus. Please can you help us by writing some suggestions for our healthy snacks and desserts on to our planner which can also be found in reception? We use the Scottish Government guidelines, “Setting the Table” to plan our menus.

Staff Training

06th July 2016

This month our staff have been involved in lots of interesting training opportunities. These include; Book Bug Explorer training, floor books, relationships and behaviour, roles and responsibilities of the lead professional, leadership at all levels, managing training and coaching, Makaton beginners, sharing information to get it right for every child, curriculum for excellence and pre-birth to three curriculum.

Our NEW Chicks – we need names!!

06th July 2016

We are delighted to have welcomed seven (yes, 7) new chicks to nursery. They have been a big hit with the children who have been charting their growth on a daily basis. A HUGE thank you to Alec and Leanne Cocker (Finlay’s mum and dad) who incubated them for us and who have been a CONSTANT source of reassurance and advice. You will be pleased to know that Deidre, Gayle and Rocky the Rooster have all returned to live with their chums at Cocker’s Roses! We will miss them! Please put your suggestions for names in to our chicken box which you will find in reception. The winner will receive the very FIRST egg(s) that are laid by our feathered friends.

Outdoor Education

06th July 2016

Ruby and Paul have very kindly agreed to take a lead on continuing to develop our outdoor education provision. They will be making sure that our outdoor space is a favourite place which is loved by our children and one which provides lots of learning and teaching opportunities! They have both just attended a very exciting and motivating course called “Environmental Games and Outdoor Art” which has really enthused them!

Visits, Visitors and Learning Contexts

06th July 2016

We will have visits from Zoo Lab (lots of exciting creepy crawlies), Aberdeen Football Club, Childsmile, fire brigade, police, dentist, librarian, lots of people who help us and Pyjama Drama over the next few weeks. We will also continue to focus on our topics of planting, sun safety, minibeasts, animals, under the sea, rules and making friends.

Mad Hatters Tea Party – Good Luck to our boys and girls who will be leaving us to go to Primary 1!

06th July 2016

We have 12 grown-up boys and girls who are leaving us to start the next exciting chapter in their lives in Primary 1! They LOVED their Mad Hatters Graduation Tea Party and had a superb time.Good luck Mad Hatters – we will really miss you all but know that you are ready for Primary 1 and that each and every one of you will go far! Keep in touch!