News and Events

Spanish, Zumba, Police Scotland, Lunch at the Urban Village Resort Hotel, Master Chef Training and L

21st August 2015

The children have been extremely busy learning Spanish, jiving at Zumba and learning about the importance of recycling! Spanish will continue every Monday with our Wellie Tots and Wellie Beans. Zumba will take place every Friday with our Wellie Beans. Jo Jingles will take place every Wednesday and Thursday (consecutive weeks) with our Wellie Babies and Wellie Tots. We also had a very exciting visit from Police Scotland who spoke to the children about stranger danger and even let them sit in the police car! I got a real shock when I heard the siren going off! The children thoroughly enjoyed making and baking their own individual pizzas with the help of our own Master Chefs Bruce, Aiden and Stevie! This will be regular opportunity with Aiden agreeing to make and decorate muffins, spaghetti carbonara and a variety of other delicious dishes! Thanks Aiden, Bruce, Stevie and Entier for giving up your time! Our six P1 children LOVED their posh lunch over at the Village Urban Resort Hotel. Great excitement was had by all and it was a lovely treat for our special boys and girls. Good luck to them all in P1!

Interactive Learning Diary

21st August 2015

The staff have been working with all children to compile individual learning journeys which will show each child’s progress and developmental milestones. The Interactive Learning Diary (ILD) is a simple and easy-to-use reporting tool to assist staff with recording observations, assessments and learning journeys within each child’s own personal diary. These electronic diaries will be available for parents to see and to participate with. We are aiming to provide you with access to your child’s ILD by October 2015.

Good luck to our boys and girls who will be leaving us to go to Primary 1!

21st July 2015

We have 6 grown-up boys and girls who will be leaving us at the end of the Summer to start the next exciting chapter of their lives in P1! As a special treat, the lucky six will be able to choose whether they would like to have a ‘posh’ lunch at the Village Urban Resort Hotel, go for ‘Afternoon Tea’ at Starbucks or go for a delicious ‘deli lunch’ over at Fresh! Decisions! Decisions! We will really miss them and wish them all the very best wishes for their new careers in P1!

Aberdeen City Council – Pre-School Funding for Session 2015/16

21st July 2015

If your child is aged 3 years or older, you may be eligible to apply for Aberdeen City Council Pre-School Funding. If you haven't already done this, please speak to Kerry who will talk you through the process and provide you with the appropriate information / application form. If you have previously completed an application form for this term (session 2014/15) and your child will be remaining at nursery for another pre-school year, you will require to complete and submit these forms again for the new school session which starts in August 2015.

Staffing Update

21st July 2015

I am delighted to announce that I have recently appointed two new Depute Managers. Susanne Sutherland is currently working as Deputy Manager / Lead Practitioner at Craigton Lodge Nursery, Peterculter. Susanne has significant experience in running a very busy nursery and will join us on 27th July 2015. Charlene Stevenson is the Lead Practitioner at Maisie's Children’s Centre which is part of VSA and has run the nursery as the day to day manager since its commencement in August 2011. Charlene will be joining us on 12th August 2015. Both ladies come with a wealth of excellent experience and both come with exceptional references. Susanne will work from 7.30am until 6pm on Monday to Wednesday and Charlene will work from 7.30am until 6pm from Wednesday to Friday. I am extremely excited to welcome this new management team and can only forsee the nursery going from strength to strength. I am sure that you will join me in wishing them a very long and happy future at KingsWellies. Leanne Watt, Stephanie Clark and Ruby Fraser are also extremely highly qualified Nursery Practitioners and will be joining us over the next few weeks. I am also hoping to employ an Office Junior to support Kate in the office. Exciting and busy times ahead!

Northsound Cash for Kids Bed Appeal

21st July 2015

Many thanks to everyone for their very kind donations during this fun-filled week. We raised an amazing £328.76. Many thanks also to the Village Urban Resort Hotel who made our week extra-special by inviting us over for storytime and a Born To Move Session! We are very proud to have raised funds for children in our local area.


25th May 2015

We are currently working with Childsmile to support a daily supervised toothbrushing programme within the 3-5 playroom. This will also be rolled out throughout the nursery and will follow the National Standards for Toothbrushing.

Welcome to Jo Jingles!

25th May 2015

Jo Jingles are going to be joining us soon to do music, singing and movement classes with all of the children. Jo Jingles classes are educational, creative fun and a great way for the children to expressive themselves! . Every child will also have the opportunity to play at least two musical instruments during each session .They also encourage language development, hand eye co-ordination, balance, agility, motor and social skills. We would also love to invite our parents in to join in the fun. More information and dates to follow soon.

Swimming Lessons

25th May 2015

We are currently in discussions with the Manager of Village Urban Resort Hotel and am hoping to be able to offer swimming lessons for the children within the next couple of months. We will keep you posted as we develop this further.

Superhero Day!

25th May 2015

Many thanks to everyone for supporting our fundraising efforts for Cash for Kids during Superhero Day. We raised an amazing £424.17!! Well done to all of the children who were very busy baking and crafting all week. Huge congratulations also go to Hachi Weli who raised a whopping £155, Alexander Allen who raised £80 and to Meredith Reid who was interviewed live on air for North Sound! It was lovely to see the children (and staff) all dressed up in a variety of striking outfits.