News and Events

Children in Need and Cash for Kids

03rd December 2015

Many thanks to everyone who recently donated to our pyjama day for Children in Need. Many thanks also to Emma and all at Greenfern Bakery for donating such a beautiful cake. Tegan was delighted when she made the highest bid for it in our silent auction! We raised a total of £170.21 for this extremely worthwhile cause. We also raised a whopping £116.92 for Coats for Kids through our recent bake sales. Many thanks for all of your kind donations. Ailsa, one of our lovely trainees, has baked a beautiful gingerbread house which we are raffling for Christmas. Donations will also go towards Cash for Kids. You will find the gingerbread house and raffles in our reception area. Thanks Ailsa! We are also collecting gifts for Northsound 1 Mission Christmas. Our gift donation boxes are outside each playroom. We are asking for gifts for less-fortunate children aged from birth to 18 years old. A list of gift suggestions is displayed above each box. Please help us make Christmas special for all children.

A Pre-Christmas Thank You to our Parents

25th October 2015

As a very small thank you to our families, we would like to offer a FREE Saturday Christmas Creche. This will allow you to drop off your children during the day and go and do your Christmas shopping or just go for a nice lunch or coffee. We would like to provide two FREE drop-off sessions during Saturday 28th November. This will allow all children to attend. - Session one: from 10am until 1pm - Session two: from 1pm until 4pm If you would like to drop off your child(ren) during one of the above sessions, please email to highlight your preference. Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis but there will be availability for all children to attend for one of the sessions. We will have a VERY fun, festive and relaxed day with lots of Christmas games, Christmas crafts, party food, carol singing, Christmas decorating and festive cheer! Christmas jumpers / Christmas glad-rags to be worn by all!

Read, Write, Count Campaign

25th October 2015

We have been using lots of the ideas from the Read, Write, Count campaign which was launched in August and is delivered in partnership with Education Scotland and the Scottish Book Trust. Read. Write, Count offers tips, ideas and activities that will help get children off to a great start in life. You will find it at

Coats for Kids Appeal

25th October 2015

Cash for Kids launched their Coats for Kids Appeal on 1st October which will run throughout October. From our contacts with health professionals and social workers, we know that around 600 local children will be without winter clothes this year. As part of our Halloween celebrations, we will sell tasty treats and creative crafts during the week of 26th October. All proceeds will go towards this very worthwhile local charity.

Italian Lessons

25th October 2015

We are really delighted to welcome Samanta Fornino, Edoarado and Lorenzo’s mummy, into nursery. Samanta has been teaching us Italian over the past couple of weeks! The children have really loved it and have picked up the Italian words for numbers, animals and colours very quickly! Samanta will continue to work with the children on a Monday morning. Thank you sooooo much Samanta!

PE and Jo Jingles

25th October 2015

The children have really been enjoying their lessons with Leanne from Jo Jingles and Birgitte from ABC Physical Education. These programmes will continue for all groups for the remainder of this term. Remember you are more than welcome to come along and join in the fun!

Pets to visit nursery

25th October 2015

We recently sent home a letter to all parents asking for permission to allow the children to participate in meeting some of our family pets! Aimee (our office junior) is very much looking forward to bringing Molly, her horse, in to allow the children to pet. Molly will stay in her pen in the car park! We also have a number of other parents (and grandparents) who have agreed to take in their adorable pets. We would really like to arrange these visits over the next couple of weeks. If you haven’t already returned your child’s permission slip, please do so by Friday 23rd October. Many thanks.

Aberdeen Football Club and Angus the Bull

21st September 2015

The Wellie Tots and Wellie Beans really enjoyed their sessions with the AFC coaches and learnt lots of new ball skills. We made very good use of the Prime Four multi-purpose court and a few goals were scored! Angus the Bull was a real hit with all of the children (and staff) and led the Wellie Babies over to the court to spectate and cheer on our budding footballers. Many thanks to AFC for their encouragement and motivation! It really was great fun!

Jo Jingles, Line Dancing & Song Writing

21st September 2015

Our Wellie Babies and Wellie Tots have really been enjoying their music, dance and drama sessions with Leanne from Jo Jingles. Remember that parents are more than welcome to come along and join in the fun. Just check with your Room Supervisor whether the session is on the Wednesday or Thursday of that week. The more the merrier! Pamela, one of our Practitioners, has very kindly volunteered to teach the children some line dancing over the next few weeks! They will learn the line dancing steps to catchy pop tunes! I can’t wait to see them! Thanks Pamela! Leanne, our Pre-School supervisor, has also been very busy playing guitar with the children and writing their own song! Watch this space for our very own KingsWellies ditty!

Cash for Kids – Big Bake Day

21st September 2015

Many thanks to everyone for donating to our Big Bake Day this week. The children all worked very hard to make some tasty goodies to sell for this very worthwhile cause. Many thanks for helping us to make a difference to local children.