News and Events
KingsWellies 9h Birthday
17th April 2024
We are so proud to say that KingsWellies will be 9 years old on the 15th April 2024. We can hardly believe it! A LOT has happened in the past 9 years! A huge thank you to all of our amazing staff. We really cannot underestimate how hard they all work to ensure that our Wellies children are safe, happy, nurtured and learning. A very special thanks also goes to Laura, Marcia and Emma who have all been with us from day one when we opened on 15th April 2015. That level of commitment and loyalty is almost unheard of. Huge thanks to these very special ladies. Look out for our birthday celebrations on Facebook.
Scholastic Book Fair
17th April 2024
We raised a Whooping £173.30 towards new books for the nursery. Huge thank you to everyone who purchased a book from us. The children are all busy choosing and ordering their new books, as we speak.
Outdoor Education
17th April 2024
Our Outdoor Committee will be working hard with Scott and AJ to improve our outdoor education area. This is an ongoing project. Laura and all of the Managers have lots of exciting ideas for our outdoor areas so will be working hard to ensure that it is awash with lots of literacy, numeracy and health activities. Please give us your feedback on how we can continue to improve these very important areas. If any parents, grandparents or friends would like to support us with our Spring / Summer planting projects, please let us know. We will be planting up our old wellies, hanging baskets, pots and allotments. We are really excited to get going with this.
Health and Wellbeing
17th April 2024
For more ideas on what you can do with your child at home to promote health and happiness, you can download lots of activity guides from We LOVED having Megan in to work with us and to tell us all about National Down Syndrome Day. We had great fun sorting and matching odd socks, making sock puppets, designing our own trendy socks, counting socks and learning why it is good to be different! We have also loved meeting up with our Aberdeen Friday Friends Group and developing excellent partnership working across our communities. If any parents, grandparents or friends would like to come in to talk to us about their families, cultures or memories; we would LOVE to welcome you with open arms. Please just get in with our admin team. We have been also been learning all about road safety, kitchen safety, bus safety, stranger danger, how to brush our teeth properly, good hand hygiene, healthy food choices, what to do in a Fire Drill, how to phone 999 in an emergency, our families and friendships, respecting rules and routines, being GOOD bucket fillers and talked lots about our emotions and keeping ourselves safe. We have also LOVED our Grow Well Choices project with Lisa where we have been learning all about making healthy life choices.
What else have the Wellies Gang been up to?
17th April 2024
Chinese New Year, fun with our Therapets (Tony and Patsy), looking after our hamster, Bucket Fillers, Robbie Burns Day, national kindness day, Makaton training, pancake day, Valentine’s Day, random acts of kindness day, national anthem day, minibeast hunts, World Down Syndrome Day, meeting our Aberdeen Friday Friends Group, visits from ChildSmile, puddle-jumping, celebrating red nose day, collecting tadpoles, World Book Day, Scholastic book fair, enjoyed picnics, being Eco Warriors, visits to the park, supermarkets, QueensWellies, Dobbies and the library, Mother’s Day, working with our extra-curricular teachers and LOTS more………….
Easter Celebrations
17th April 2024
We have been very busy celebrating all aspects of Easter and have lots more planned for Spring. We have made Easter bonnets, painted daffodils, painted Spring flowers, pressed Spring flowers, made lots of chocolate treats, found out about the lifecycle of a chick, researched the life cycle of frogs, undertaken Easter scavenger hunts, found out about caterpillars, butterflies and bunny rabbits, released our own butterflies, made lots of beautiful arts and crafts, baked bread and made lovely Easter cards.
World Book Day 2024 – KingsWellies Nursery
08th February 2024
KingsWellies Nursery are holding a Scholastic Book Fair from the 12th-19th of March 2024. Over the course of the week the stalls will be set up in reception where you will be able to browse and purchase books. This will be a cash free event with a QR code for parents/carers to scan and pay online. We can’t wait to see what brilliant stories we can purchase this year!
The Scottish Daily Mile
08th February 2024
We will continue to aim for all of our children to walk, jog or run for at least 15 minutes each day. Most children can average around a mile in that time! Keep going gang!
Chinese New Year
08th February 2024
We have been extremely busy planning our celebrations for The Year of The Dragon. This year Chinese New Year lands on 10/2/24 and lasts for 15 days. Over the last two years, we even opened our very own Chinese take aways – KINGS-WOK-AWAY. It was a great success. Our chefs cooked up a storm and fed the entire nursery. Look out for lots of exciting activities for this year’s celebrations. If you would like to come in to speak to us about how you celebrate different family or cultural traditions, please let us know. We would LOVE to invite you in.
PE Lessons
08th February 2024
Did you know that Chef Lisa is a professional bodybuilder, qualified personal trainer, childcare support worker, Chef AND owns a healthy food prep company? She has combined all of these skills and will be joining the Wellies Nursery team later in the year to offer PE Classes to all of our boys and girls. The sessions will be based on the Curriculum for Excellence (Early Level) which is currently taught in all Scottish Nurseries and Schools. Chef Lisa will focus on developing skills in Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport. This will include lots of exciting activities based around Movement and Games whilst: investigating and developing fitness investigating and developing mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing using the body applying skills applying safety creating and designing cooperating and sharing communicating and competing Each session will also focus on Food and Health whilst looking at healthy food choices and basic nutritional facts. Chef Lisa will provide some free taster sessions and will also share her lesson plans with parents. These lessons will very much help to prepare the children for their transition to school and will focus on what will be taught as part of the P1 curriculum. Here at Wellies Nurseries, we also want to provide all of our children with as wide a range of experiences and outcomes, as possible. This will therefore be a great addition to our week. Chef Lisa knows the children very well (through Chef Lisa and as a Wellies Support Worker) and is very popular with them. She is very much looking forward to beginning this journey with Wellies Nurseries. In the mean time she will continue to provide Chef Lisa classes on a weekly basis to ALL of our children. This is something that they thoroughly enjoy. More information will follow shortly!